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As a founder member of the Dry January campaign, I’ve watched this hatchling idea grow to an amazing annual event that attracts millions of people throughout the UK and further afield and challenges them to try a month without alcohol.


Each year the Dry January team at Alcohol Change UK receives so many emails from people telling us how it’s transformed their relationship with booze - and their lives. It was surely only a matter of time therefore, before the charity was asked to create a book to go with the concept. I was privileged enough to be asked by Alcohol Change UK and Penguin books to write Try Dry and here it is.


For the sober curious, the sober ready and the no-way-I-don’t-think-I-could-do-that amongst us, this book is me letting you know that you can, it’ll be great, and I promise the rewards are worth it.


As if that wasn’t enough to convince you to buy a copy here, all proceeds go towards the fantastic work that Alcohol Change UK do to tackle serious alcohol harms in our society. Go on, give Dry a Try!



The Try Dry Podcast is essential listening for anyone wanting to discover the health, lifestyle and financial benefits of cutting back on booze.



with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

The dishy TV doctor talks to me about the drinking habits of medical students, his advice to patients about alcohol and why Dry January is such a great campaign.




with David Begg of The Real Kombucha

My first taste of Kombucha! I review ‘Dry Dragon’ and David tells me about the increasing market for grown up, sophisticated alcohol-free drinks. If you’ve never heard of Kombucha, listen along and find out.



with author

Christie Watson

Christie is the author of the amazing The Language of Kindness, her memoirs of a nursing career in the UK. We discuss alcohol as a coping strategy  why  ‘hospitality’ – encouraging others to drink – may not be all that kind.


with author

Clare Pooley

Christie is the author of the amazing The Language of Kindness, her memoirs of a nursing career in the UK. We discuss alcohol as a coping strategy  why  ‘hospitality’ – encouraging others to drink – may not be all that kind.

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